It was great that Gampic Relief's Red Brolly Day fundraising appeal raised over £74m.
But the final total is even higher than reported. My own appeal for umbrella pictures has already raised literally pounds to help protect some of the dampest members of society both in the UK and abroad. Even my spoofer Sir Stephen Bubb has risen to the challenge and stuck his head above the parapet (while standing on a very big box I suspect) to send in a charming photo. He looks a complete gamp natural - fantastic posture and in the right place to assess the sky for precipitation before stepping out with brolly in perfect position (Thanks Sir Stephen, I will give a fiver to Gampic Relief for that).
I will be publishing more of the pictures on my blog next week, but I am still hoping to get some more snaps of umbrella sector bods with an umbrella, preferably red.
If I get 5 more pictures, I will increase my pledge and donate a whopping £20.
NCVO and CFDG - I am particularly looking at you here. Send your snaps to or via @robinbogg on Twitter.
This is a great ppost