Saturday 10 October 2009

Seize the day, go on, just bloody well SEIZE IT

I receive a quick note from a journalist at Brolly Times ("A little bit Canopy Finance, a little bit Brolly Weekly, but not as good as either") asking for my reaction that David Cameron's speech at the Tory party conference failed to mention umbrellas at all. I don't see this as an issue. It didn't mention "looking after rich bastards" either but we know that is what they will do.

If you read closely enough between the lines, and believe me, I have, then what he actually didn't explicitly say at all but is still clearly apparent if you have imagination is that the umbrella sector will basically be running everything from hospitals to prisons to Little Chefs.

We need to be ready to seize the day so that we hit the ground running when the Tories get in. We need to educate the public that we are a multi-billion pound force in the economy who spend money wisely and don't waste it on expensive media campaigns educating the public that we are a multi-billion pound force in the economy who spend money wisely.

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