Monday, 4 April 2011

Red Brolly Day - the money shots part 1

As promised here is the first tranche of the collection of photographs I received from people wielding umbrellas to raise money for Gampic Relief's Red Brolly Day (money channelled by Comic Relief). The cash I have pledged in return for these pics will help shelter the dampest members of society, both here in the UK and overseas. I will reveal the final total when all pictures are posted but let me just say it is over £19.99. First up are a number of snaps from good old Lester Twomore at the Brolly Lottery Fund. He really put the hard yards in and was all over this challenge like that silver stuff you rub off on scratchcards that gets stuck to your clothes, trying to get people to have a picture taken with his bright red gamp. Like one of the many deluded folks who spend a fortune on beating nigh impossible odds to win a life changing amount of money that will probably make them miserable, Twomore obviously thought he'd have as many goes as possible at this to kid himself that the amount raised going to good causes would justify his actions. This one below is Lester with some people from NCVO's Leadership Commission (a sham of an organisation obviously. NCVO could no more advise on leadership than a field of sheep). I think the chap on the right is Dick Draughty. The next one is a bit blurry - of a similar quality to some of the holiday snaps I sometimes post on here in the mistaken belief that readers give a toss but I am told that it features Rabid Thrills of the Gampdian and Lester's comms (which means communications in case anyone was unclear. First rule of communications - put across a clear message) director Quinda Lynn. The final one is Lester with one of his bored members (he'd rather be anywhere else than in a stupid charity picture) and fair trade expert Overpriced But Makes You Feel Morally Superior Tucker.

More pictures later this week.

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