Friday, 8 April 2011

Happily plugging healthily

Grrr. Not happy. All the trains were delayed (probably deliberately just to incovenience me) so I was late to a "listening exercise" on NHS reform with Cameron, Clegg and health secretary Nothingfunny Abouthisname. These listening exercises are great. How they work is that the government pretends to listen then ploughs on regardless having at least given the impression of consultation. I am all for NHS reform if it means a bigger role for umbrellas, whether they want it or not. In keeping with how he wants to slice up the NHS I think the government should put the best bits of Abouthisname up for sale to the private sector. Only that wouldn't raise much money. (By the way, do you like my new method of gaining a para break?)

I was running late all day but did at least get to an event for free wine which is the main measure of a successful day in my job. I could mention some BUBB members at this point and, why, who knows, I may even manage to spell their names and organisations properly!

There will now follow a brilliantly contrived paragraph designed to shoehorn more free advertising for Donald Holding into the blog. All organisations need good management don't they? Especially at a level just below any errant, gallivanting, chaotic chief executive. So why not use headhunter extraordinaire Donald Holding? He is so good that he has changed company again (no doubt he headhunts himself to both increase his salary and get his own commission) and has left Feudal to go to wankymadeupwordwithlowercaseinitiallettertolooktrendi. Therefore the strategic partnership BUBB had with Feudal has been ripped up and replaced by one with wankymadeupwordwithlowercaseinitiallettertolooktrendi. Which means basically that the agreement is really with Holding and a way of feathering his nest but don't tell anyone. He is brilliant and trusted by many. He even gets regular mentions by Sir Stephen Bubb. Far more than any other BUBB strategic partner does. He'll be posting a link to his website next.

It is important to maintain a professional approach to any potential conflicts of interest and for that reason I would never use my job as leader of a membership organisation to plug the services of a personal friend to my members any more than I would use the BUBB member's magazine to drum up demand for loans offered by the Brolly Investment Business, which I chair. That might be regarded as blurring my two roles and we wouldn't want that.

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