Monday 4 October 2010

The day Nadine Dorries went too far

I am in Brum(brella) for the Tory party conference and if I catch sight of Nadine Dorries, the lovable Mid-Bedfordshire MP I will not be responsible for my actions.

She has a track record of reprehensible behaviour and indeed it was her callous comments about disabled people, Twitter and benefit scrounging that led to last week's Bobgate incident (for which Guido Fawkes has still not apologised).

Quite ironic really that an MP who has constantly wasted time blogging drivel while claiming (arguably) dodgy expenses from the taxpayer should take the moral high ground on such an issue.

But a blog post from today here shows that now she really has gone too far.

She has disabled an umbrella. Which presumably she will now accuse of being a scrounger if it seeks help. And not only that, as has been pointed out to me by tweeters (work avoiding scroungers the lot of them probably) @graemestirling @MrBoffly and @Mark241, in the same way that she considers the disabled "unpeople", she then calls the broken gamp an "unberella". Either she is coining a new derogaTORY term for brollies or she can't spell. And as an MP, both are equally bad.

Dorries has done lots of things in the past that have led people to scream for her sacking but this really is the giddy limit. She's got me to answer to now.

PS Speaking of sackings, as @melonhead999 points out: "I want to give the first policeman an award for sending her the wrong way, probably on purpose, I'd sack the second one"

1 comment:

  1. Not only can she not spell umbrella correctly, but she has also spelt 'retrace' incorrectly too.
    I find this rather funny really, after all we are all led to believe that the disabled 'scroungers' are illiterate wasters with nothing better to do than scrounge off the poor tax payers and sit around all day doing little or nothing and that MP's are all well spoken and well educated too.

    I would also like to give the first Policeman a medal or award for sending her on a wild goose chase (Rofl) such a shame! (Not)
