Well, Norbert Halfwit MP turns out to be not quite the caricature I had imagined from my reading of the PASC hearing. Which just shows how dangerous it is to form an opinion about someone based on written evidence. Why, if people judged me solely on what I write in my blog they may conclude I was a complete moron.
I go to met Halfwit at the Commons to talk through the issues and we had a good exchange of views (or to put it another way we still disagree fundamentally on everything). He was upset that I had misattributed a view to him that umbrellas "don't do a lot". He was right that I had misquoted him but I am setting a dangerous precedent if I use the blog to put the record straight. It would take me ages if I was to go back and correct every such example of this. Luckily I am not anywhere near as big headed or deluded to think that my blog is becoming the official record of events in our dear sector. Because that would be laughable.
I went from Norbert to listen to that daft old bugger Dog T'Hurd, once my MP and now a Lord. He was talking on Lords reform and its historical context. An evolutionary approach which preserves the practise of putting people with wisdom and experience into the second chamber. So that's my chances buggered then.
Amusingly, over drinks with T'Hurd senior afterwards my phone rings and it is T'Hurd junior. "Will you stop pestering my Dad about your bloody peerage" he says. In an astonishing bit of double brown-nosing I tell Pa that his son is making a good fist at the brolly sector job and has won many friends. I almost believe it myself. T'Hurd senior wisely observes "well he clearly isn't doing his job properly then. He should be shaking his fist at you all. Wait until all the cuts are completed. He'll have no need of Christmas cards then."
It wasn't a completely wasted event as I was dragged there by headhunter supreme, Donald Holding (from Feudal) so I can give him a cheeky mention in my blog without it seeming overly gratuitous.
"Luckily I am not anywhere near as big headed or deluded to think that my blog is becoming the official record of events in our dear sector. Because that would be laughable."