Thursday, 5 January 2012

Looking ahead in 2012

The umbrella sector faces a great many challenges this year. But rest assured that I will be at the forefront of fighting the corner of brollies everywhere as I press ahead with my efforts to gain a peerage. Sir Hubert and I will be united in our desire to win the race to wear ermine first though those that say we will merge into a single peer, Lord Boggrington of Kings Cross, are way off the mark. We intend to share our robes of state but not stitch them together.

And amidst all the gloom of cuts etc we can at least look forward to nice bright shiny distractions such as the Olympics and the Diamond jubilee to make us forget all the shit. A damp early June and August will see a great boost for UK umbrellas as the eyes of the world will be on us. And more importantly it is BUBB's 25th anniversary, so what better excuse for a year of champagne fuelled trough outs and self congratulatory rhetoric? Our backs won't pat themselves you know.

Happy New Year

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